Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular TV star who rose to fame due to her role in the Walking Dead's horror drama series The Walking Dead. Her portrayal of the character Sophia Peletier in the highly well-loved show has created Madison an extremely well-known child actor of the 2010s. The role garnered Madison a nomination to the Young Artist Award under the category of Best Performance by the character in a TV Series, Supporting Young Actress. She was born to an actress mom. Madison was exposed to the glitz and glamour of the show biz world early on. Six-year-old Madison's mother took her to the world of show business. Being a child before a camera was not a problem for her. It didn't take time to develop into a confident actor. It was through commercials that she started her career in acting. When her first acting work was noticed by American viewers was an advertisement from Golden Corral. When she was 11 years old she was selected for the part of Sophia in the TV show The Walking Dead. After the popularity of The Walking Dead, she was approached for other roles and began to pursue films. Her roles included supporting characters in Parental Guidance, as well as After.
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